Medzinárodné profesijné organizácie
- Automobile
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Central European Association for Computational Mechanics
- Comite Europeen de Cooperation des Industries de la Machine-Outil
- Comité International Des Poids Et Mesures
- Česká slévarenská společnost
- European Communities Energy Centre
- Europäischen Konferenz deutschsprechender Fordertechnik-Professoren
- Federation of European Materials Societies
- FISITA - Fedération Internationale des Sociétés d' Ingénieurs des Techniques de 1' Automobile
- Germanischer Lloyd Group
- IFAC Technical Committee on Control Education
- IFAC Technical Committee on Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control
- Institution of Engineers Australia
- Institution of Diagnostic Engineers
- International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), Technical Committee TC-17 (Robotics)
- International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms
- International Informatization Academy
- International Institute of Refrigeration
- International Society for Air Breathing Engines
- Medzinárodný komitét IMEKO TC-27
- New York Academy of Sciences
- Pythagore Group
- SEFI Mathematics Working Group
- SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory
- SPIE- The International Society for Optical Engineering
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- The Institution of Engineers Australia
- The International Precious Metals Institute, Inc.
- The Society of Navaĺ Architects and Marine Engineers
- UK Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering
- URSI - Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale
- VDI Verein Deutcher Ingenieure
Redakčné a vydavateľské rady zahraničných časopisov |
- AT&P Journa
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems
- Chemical Engineering and Processing
- Gearing and Transmission
- International Journal for Geometry and Graphics
- Journal of KONES International Combustion Engines
- Kovové materiály - Metallic Materials
- Machine Graphics and Vision
- Selected Topics in Modelling and Control
- Technische Mechanik
- TZB Haustechnik - Technické zariadenia budov
- Zentralblatt für Mathematics