Computing Center
Computing Center of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Bratislava was founded in 1978 primarily as the Department of Computer Technology of the SVŠT /Slovak Technical University/. The Center was established with the aim to increase the awareness of computing technology and its application in the education process. The Center provided the departments with activities and services necessary for the teaching process.
Until 1989 the lectures for the students focusing the topics of information technology, such as programming languages and application of computing technology in Cybernetics and Fundamentals of Cybernetics were provided by the Department of Cybernetics and Informatics. The topics above were obligatory for all the University students. In 1989, Department of Cybernetics and Informatics was cancelled and from then on the lectures in all the subjects of information technology started to be provided by individual faculties.
In 1992, a new Statute of the Computing Center was adopted and afterwards the Center was incorporated among the basic workplaces of the Faculty.
The lectures were provided in below listed areas:
- programming languages
- text editors, table and database processes
- CAD/CAM technologies
In 1993, an authorised training center of Microsoft and Autodesk company. The training center rendered its activities not only to internal staff, but also to various institutions, companies, banks and private firms.
Activities covered by IC:
- networking of the faculty
- information systems (ISF, MAGION) administration and maintenance
- designing the web pages
- PC hardware - coordination , installation, and LAN
- teaching process support
With the effect from 1 September 2002, the teaching process ceased to be provided by the CC unit. From that date the CC concentrates on support and service activities.
Academic Library
The Library provides students, researchers and tutors from the FME STU , as well as the general public in the region interested in scientific topics, with literature and specialized information in both printed and electronic form. Trained staff as well as the use of state-of-the-art technologies ensure the best possible supply of literature and information, and also that it continues to be developed in a way that is oriented to demand.
- Printed books, course literature, standards, journals
- Electronic information resources, databases, e-books, e-journals
- Diploma theses and dissertations
- Traditional loans
- Interlibrary loans - providing loans from other libraries
- Electronic document delivery, journal article delivery (charged fee)
- Help-desk
- Information retrieval services
You can browse or search our library catalogue
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Catalogue of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (in the Slovak only)
(Virtual library)
Web of Science
Current Contents Connect
ScienceDirect (Elsevier)
Scopus (Elsevier)
eIFL Direct / EBSCO Publishing
Knovel Library
ProQuest 5000 International
CRC Netbase
IoP Science