STU Bratislava
web: http://atc.sjf.stuba.sk
ATC offers a variety of educational and consulting services
ATC for MSC.ADAMS is chartered to provide students and customers with training, consultations and collaboration in research and development of products using the MSC.ADAMS tool.
ATC for MSC.ADAMS has mission to meet the broadest range of customer needs in the area of Mechanical System Simulation technology (MSS) including modeling, analysis, optimization and robustness of mechanical and mechatronical systems.
ATC for MSC.ADAMS can be helpful in project-related questions, because our knowledgeable professors and engineers have deep theoretical and practical industry experience in application of CAE technologies to the solution of real-world projects.
ATC for MSC.ADAMS offers:
Contact us for Your's questions:
Authorized Training Center for MSC.ADAMS at STU Bratislava
Strojnícka fakulta
Slovenská technická univerzita
Nám. slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava
phone: +00421 57296 358
mobile: +00421 903 432 037
e-mail: frantisek.palcak@stuba.sk
web: www.sjf.stuba.sk