Department of Languages and Social Sciences ÚjŠ, FME STU in Bratislava
organize a preparatory course in the Slovak language for foreigners intended for the first–year students in the academic year 2022/2023
The course aims to help students improve their knowledge of the Slovak language and prepare them for their study in the Slovak language.
Students will be assigned to appropriate language groups based on the placement test (A1/A2/B1)
duration of the course: 5. 9. – 16. 9. 2022
Including 20 lessons (one lesson = 45 minutes)
In the room No. 250 from 3 pm to 4:30 pm at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU, Námestie Slobody 17
course fee: 60 €
payment information: Slovak language course.pdf
In case you are interested in the course, it is required to send the following documents (or their scanned copies):
- confirmation of payment for the course (scanned)
- registration form for the Slovak language course for foreigners:
via email to: or ↵